Stack Trace Interface

A stack trace contains a list of frames, each with various bits (most optional) describing the context of that frame. Frames should be sorted from oldest to newest.


Required. A non-empty list of stack frames (see below). The list is ordered from caller to callee, or oldest to youngest. The last frame is the one creating the exception.

Optional. A map of register names and their values. The values should contain the actual register values of the thread, thus mapping to the last frame in the list.

Frame Attributes

Each object should contain at least a filename, function or instruction_addr attribute. All values are optional, but recommended.

The path to the source file relative to the project root directory.

The value should not make file names indistinguishable and should only change between releases for files that were actually renamed.

In some SDKs, this is implemented as the path relative to a certain entry point relevant to the language/platform. For example, in Python the filename is relative to PYTHONPATH or site-packages.

The name of the function being called.

This function name may be shortened or demangled. If not, Sentry will demangle and shorten it. The original function name will be stored in raw_function.

The original function name, if the function name is shortened or demangled. Sentry shows the raw function when clicking on the shortened one in the UI.

Platform-specific module path (e.g. sentry.interfaces.Stacktrace).

The line number of the call, starting at 1.

The column number of the call, starting at 1.

The absolute path to the source file.

Source code in filename at lineno.

A list of source code lines before context_line (in order) – usually [lineno - 5:lineno].

A list of source code lines after context_line (in order) – usually [lineno + 1:lineno + 5].

Signals whether this frame is related to the execution of the relevant code in this stack trace. For example, the frames that might power the framework’s web server of your app are probably not relevant. However, calls to the framework’s library once you start handling code likely are relevant.

A mapping of variables which were available within this frame (usually context-locals).

The following attributes are primarily used for C-based languages:

An optional instruction address for symbolication. This should be a string with a hexadecimal number that includes a 0x prefix. If this is set and a known image is defined in the Debug Meta Interface, then symbolication can take place. Note that the addr_mode attribute can control the behavior of this address.

Optionally changes the addressing mode. The default value is the same as "abs" which means absolute referencing. This can also be set to "rel:DEBUG_ID" or "rel:IMAGE_INDEX" to make addresses relative to an object referenced by debug id or index. This for instance is necessary for WASM processing as WASM does not use a unified address space.

An optional address that points to a symbol. We use the instruction address for symbolication, but this can be used to calculate an instruction offset automatically. Note that the addr_mode attribute can control the behavior of this address.

Optionally an address of the debug image to reference.

The "package" the frame was contained in. Depending on the platform, this can be different things. For C#, it can be the name of the assembly. For native code, it can be the path of the dynamic library, etc.

This can override the platform for a single frame. Otherwise, the platform of the event is assumed. This can be used for multi-platform stack traces, such as in React Native.


For the given example program written in Python:

def foo():
  my_var = 'foo'
  raise ValueError()

def main():

A minimalistic stack trace for the above program in the correct order:

  "frames": [{ "function": "main" }, { "function": "foo" }]

The top frame fully populated with five lines of source context:

  "frames": [
      "in_app": true,
      "function": "myfunction",
      "abs_path": "/real/file/",
      "filename": "file/",
      "lineno": 3,
      "vars": {
        "my_var": "'value'"
      "pre_context": ["def foo():", "  my_var = 'foo'"],
      "context_line": "  raise ValueError()",
      "post_context": ["", "def main():"]

A minimal native stack trace with register values. Note that the package event attribute must be "native" for these frames to be symbolicated.

  "frames": [
    { "instruction_addr": "0x7fff5bf3456c" },
    { "instruction_addr": "0x7fff5bf346c0" }
  "registers": {
    "rip": "0x00007ff6eef54be2",
    "rsp": "0x0000003b710cd9e0"
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